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Yak 0.1

Today, I finally released Yak. It's been nearly two months since its inception. The combined coding time is probably under 24 hours, but thinking about the tiny details took the most of time. And it's hard to make time for programming, let alone sleep, in this bullshit country of mine.

Anyway, it's on PyPI, the Python package index. You can install Yak by running:

pip install yak

Yak is my first project in Python, and I had quite a fun time writing it. It's really a simple(and dirty) script if you look at the source code. I made using Yak as easy as possible, and the package includes a basic skeleton you can use right away. Included theme is the same as this blog.

All the articles I wrote on this blog made its way to the details of Yak, and they're what makes this project so meaningful for me. The RSS feed of articles by others I read while building Yak are here. They also played a key part in this project.

Special thanks to people at the LangDev IRC channel for the priceless discussions.